Friday, October 7, 2016

Group Communication


A real group is much more than the aggregation of individuals.
Not every crowd is a group.
1.       The group has a common definite purpose for communication.
2.       The members are aware of one another and their existence.
3.       The members interact with one another to achieve the purpose.
4.       They see themselves as part of the group.

Kinds of Group

1.     According to purpose         

                - groups classified into primary and discussion group.

 A.  Primary Group 
 - group classified as a support group for its members.
(e.g. family, social, political, religious, academic, and professional groups)
 • Ideal number of this group is three to seven.
 • "Two is company, three is a crowd.", phrase which affirms the difference between the conversatiom of two people to three-person conversation.

 B. Discussion group         

                 - functions as a clearing housewhere each member is required to speak out his feelings and ideas for the enlightenment and solution of a problem.          

 Discussion group is characterized by:
 • Face-to-face encounter. Exchange of ideas occurs right here and now, making feedback and evaluation easy and prompt. (e.g. committee meetings, seminars, workshops, and others)
 • Leadership. One or two members assume the role of group leader.
 • Common purpose. This is the binding force of a group. Goal-directed behavior holds members together; the more relevant to the group the goal is, the more motivated, the group stay and be identified with it.
 • Shared Characteristics. The group is differentiated from a primary group bt the presence of a common background or shared characteristics like similar religious belief, professions, ethnic background, race, socioeconomic class, geographic location, and lifestyle, among others.

2. According to participation
           groups are categorized into public or open group and private or closed group.

 a. Public or open group discussion    
                - an audience is present to listen and at times to participate in the proceedings. (e.g. panel, lecture, and symposium)

 b. Private or closed discussion group          
                - is one in which no audience listens or participate in the proceedings. (e.g. executive council or cabinet meeting, problem and solving group)

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